Infrastructure and its challenges

Infrastructure is the backbone of a community. Our quality of life depends on building world-class infrastructure; access to water, energy, transportation, communications and social infrastructure underpins the quality of our health, education, agriculture, trade, transportation, personal safety, culture and entertainment.

The Infrastructure Council plays a critical role in connecting industry players and providing expertise and support to public decision-makers through the combined expertise and resources of its members and partners. Together, we can help build and modernize the public infrastructure that we use on a daily basis.

There are four major challenges to ensure the development of essential national and regional infrastructure that Quebec and Canada so desperately need:

Strong leadership and effective governance within the sectors of infrastructure;

Implementation of coordinated strategies for the development of sustainable national infrastructure;

Reform of complex regulatory and environmental approval processes to recognize the importance of strategic infrastructure investments;

Appropriate use of collaborative financing mechanisms involving the public and private sectors.


Major Infrastructure Projects in Canada

$180 billion

The 2017-2027 Investing in Canada Plan includes investments
totalling more than $180 billion in the following areas:

† Source: Canada's Long-Term Infrastructure Plan

Public Transit

Create new urban transit networks and service extensions to transform the way Canadians live and work.

Green Infrastructure

Ensure access to safe water, clean air and greener communities where Canadians can watch their children grow.

Social Infrastructure

Provide adequate and affordable housing and childcare services, as well as cultural and recreational centres so that communities continue to be places where people feel at home.

Trade and Transportation

Build sustainable and efficient transportation systems that will bring Canada closer to global markets to help businesses compete, grow and create more jobs.

Rural and Northern Communities

Grow local economies, improve social inclusiveness, and better safeguard the health and environment of communities.

- Quebec -

Major Infrastructure Projects in Quebec

$130.5 billion

The 2020-2030 Québec Infrastructure Plan includes investments
totalling more than $130.5 billion in the following areas :

† Source: The 2020-2030 Québec Infrastructure Plan

Road Network and Transportation




Health and Social Services


Public Transportation


Administration and Justice




Tourism, Culture, and Sports


Social and Community Housing






Agriculture, Forests and Wildlife


